Whether in person or on the phone, salespeople must close. An increase in long distance business interactions means that closing on the phone proves more vital than ever. Even if located in the same area, a lead might prefer to take a meeting via phone for any number of reasons.
Furthermore, phone closing proves to a client that you know how to take care of important issues remotely. Commanding a sales call instills confidence. Another perk: closing on the phone decreases travel expenditures.
To increase your phone closes by a number that qualifies for the Ma Bell books, follow these key steps:
- Make a solid plan.
- Consider tone.
- Know how low you’ll go.
- Introduce everyone.
- Thank everyone.
- Ask a question then let the client do most of the talking.
- Announce the agreement and review the components one last time.
Here are the essentials to keep in mind.
Ring with Plan in Hand
Dial with purpose, meaning you make an outline of the call structure plus keep ideas and research on hand. Maintain access to a way to research new info that comes up during the conversation. Your CSM helps with this. If you don’t have a CSM, let us show you why you need one. Maintain internet access as well.
Allot for a certain amount of time for “free form questioning and conversation”, but keep to the schedule as much as possible to maintain focus. Winging it comes off as sloppy. After finishing each point, allow a few minutes for questions. Do the same at the end of the call. This amounts to enough free-form for everyone.
Ring the Right Tone
Tone pertains to the whole call, but proves especially important for ending the call. Perhaps you need to impress someone who responds better to a low-key approach. Perhaps you need to get through a gate keeper who appreciate one sales technique, and a decision maker who appreciates another. Know your lead ahead of time and base your tone on that. For example, plan for jokes if a lead seems jolly. Match your tone to theirs so everyone sounds in tune.
Ring How Low You’ll Go
Before you pick up the phone, know your final low number. Start as high as needed; you know how far to push it. But a lot of salespeople only focus on how high they want to go. Knowing your low number doesn’t make you negative. Knowledge is always a positive. Knowledge keeps goals in line and amplifies achievement. It also shows a commitment to standards. Potential clients like to know you’re offering them value. Make sure they know your product and your team exude value.
Ring in with Intros
Keep intros brief but energetic. Some people may not know who’s on the call. Maybe they decided to join in at the last minute or failed to read the reminder email. It doesn’t matter why. Do a round of intros so everyone’s in the know.
Besides, people love attention. News flash: Your leads are people.
Identify names and titles. For your own personal use, know who makes the decisions. Sometimes the same person does this both on the call and off, sometimes not. Make sure you aren’t wasting time on someone who lacks the power to progress to the next phase of the sales process.
Ring A Clear Thank You
Say thanks to everyone for joining. Keep it brief, but thank-yous are mandatory. Do this after the intros, and at the end of the call. It’s just polite and shows consideration. Good manner are self-explanatory, but you’d be surprised how often clients complain about rude sales calls. If you can’t say thank-you before securing their business, why won’t trust you enough to handle their business.
Ring Out a Question
When it’s time to get down to the purpose of the call, begin with a question that sets the client up to buy your product. This question should show them that they need what you sell.
Listening provides the best way to identify the extent of the client’s needs, hopes, fears, and rationalizations. If you talk too much, you miss clues that help you close. The longer a client talks, the more likely they will talk themselves into saying yes because after all the talk, the only thing left to say is yes. Keep in mind: no happens quickly. Talking signifies a desire to buy.
And leads like forging a bond. It helps secure a sale as well as future business. They want to trust you. If you talk too much, you come off as crass. If you remain quiet, you come off as capable and trustworthy.
Therefore, listen and let the client talk themselves into the deal.
Ring Off with the Info
When you finalize the agreement, say something along the lines of, “We agree on this deal which means the following…” Then review each component one last time. You don’t need to spend all day on this; suggest that people only speak if they have an issue with any of the components. Then make an arrangement to sign the contract and do it as soon as possible. Never give people time to change their mind.
Here at Intellibright, we know how to help you get the most from your sales calls. We give you exclusive leads. We know how to increase your phone closes with our proven methods.
We also know that at some point, you’re going to want to thank us for all those clever uses of the word “ring” so let’s talk today!