For decades, legal marketing had a set method for success, but as the Internet and social media keep changing the landscape, the best methods for reaching potential clients have changed as well. Even once a firm seems to have its methodology under control, a new social media platform begins to gain new ground, or Google enters with new search algorithms that suddenly place a firm’s web page near the bottom of the pack. That is what makes it so important for a firm to keep track of the latest trends in law firm marketing.
Small Screen Doesn’t Mean Television
More and more people get their information through tablets and cell phones, rather than just traditional computers. To properly market to these audiences, law firms should be certain their websites are capable of running on different platforms. No matter how good a firm’s search engine optimization or website address is, if the website looks clunky or unprofessional when viewed by clients, they are going to think negatively about the firm and its ability to effectively represent them. They are also more likely to leave the website soon after visiting, a fact that search engines track in determining rankings in search engine results.
Incorporate Local Search Tactics
With a greater shift to mobile platforms, local search has become increasingly important. GPS, cookies, and even targeted searches are placing a greater emphasis on finding businesses close to the person conducting the search. Law firms aren’t immune to local searches either. Firms find greater success when they list their location and include addresses and even nearby landmarks into their keywords and websites. Maintaining social media pages that connect you to local residents who can comment about your firm and share their experiences is also an excellent way to ensure your site does well in a search.
Content Demands
Most search engine optimization specialists tell you of the importance of updating content on your site. Google’s algorithm tracks how often a particular site updates and uses that information to determine how high a site lands in its listing.
New content also increases the odds that visitors come to and stay on your site. Blog posts on specific items of interest attract potential clients and also show your firm’s knowledge and skill in a given topic. This seems similar to how traditional ads operate, but content has the potential to be more informative and less gimicky for the sake of getting a viewer or listener’s attention. Most search engine algorithms track whether visitors stay on your site or quickly leave. When they linger, your listing ranks higher.
Embrace Social Media
Social media seems like a potential minefield for a profession that relies so heavily on confidentiality. However, social media is worth the time and effort because it provides an easy forum for your firm to keep in touch with current and potential clients, link back to your website (another factor considered in search engine algorithms), and lead clients to your main firm website. If, for instance, you have updated your website’s blog discussing a recent Supreme Court decision, social media provides you with an easy way of sharing your content and connecting your Facebook contacts with your website.
Perhaps the most important factor in ensuring your firm gets noticed in web searches is keeping track of changes in how search engines rank their results. Small and large businesses alike, including law firms, are finding greater success when they refuse to rest on their laurels. What might make for a winning marketing strategy today could be old news within a matter of months. Just remember to keep your website and its content fresh.